Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cashier duties

There are many job duties a cashier needs to perform which is mainly related to cash handling. The cashier is a very important part in an organization that looks after the flow of the cash. The cashier should be able to manage the money properly so that the organization does not face any sort of loss in case of money. A cashier manages the very important and complex task of money which is main part of an organization. Other than money handling there are many other task that a cashier has to perform which makes his work more complicated and responsible.
The other cashier job duties include keeping record of the money before opening any office and after closing of the office. He maintains cash registers which includes all the information about the credits so that he will be able to keep a track on credit records. He needs to maintain a correct record of the amount of money he received and the amount of money he has given out. There are many complicated and important money related work that a cashier has to do which makes him a very important part of any organization as every work needs money to run successfully.

Managing director Job duties

A managing director is also known as the MD of a company where he needs to perform many administrative tasks and needs to manage various roles. The main job duties of the managing director include managing the daily activities of the company. The managing director is the head of the company and has the same responsibility like the CEO. The managing director prepares the raw idea of the policies and looks after that those policies are properly implemented for the growth of organization. He looks after the environment of the office and makes sure that the people are working positively for the growth of company.
The different field of managing director has different management job duties which he has to look after. The MD needs to encourage and appreciate the employees who are working under him. He can provide opportunities to the employees for growth which can boost the employees and prove profitable in the growth of the company. It is very necessary for a managing director to be well qualified so that he may know all the tactics through which he can work for the betterment of the company and satisfaction of the employees simultaneously.